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Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y

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Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Empty Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y

Post by Luke Fri May 01, 2020 5:32 pm

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y AltermediaLogo
[size=200]Evil Born Evil[/size]
Series: 04
Episode: 02
Written by: Luke Enfield
Produced by: Crimson Media
[warning]AGE RATING: 15+
Previously on Evil Born Evil...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-01-0416-29-52-59_zps8b6d8c25

Chris: Alright... FINE! I... I'll come back.
Isaac: Seriously?
Chris: Yes, seriously. You're right. I need to get out of this mess. This isn't making me feel better, especially knowing that I'm letting down Florence...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-1913-46-36-56_zps4e049fef

Chris: I don't understand...
Tommy: It's Boubacar who lives here, Chris. I know some dealers, and we're going to get to the bottom of this by getting some 'merchandise' off them and doing business with our old pal. When he gets back... damn... this shit storm is probably going to make him shit - IN DELIGHT!
Chris: You are out of your mind...
Tommy: Well it's not everyday that a waxwork comes stuffed with KILOS of methamphetamine!
Chris: Shit, keep your voice down...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-1914-48-16-34_zps284ad7aa

Malcolm: Fine. Be that way. But just remember the oath you pledged to Florence. Here. She's all yours. Do with what I said as you will.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2013-56-01-90_zpsfefa13ee

Inmate #3: Do you realize what you've done now!?
Wayne: What?
Inmate #3: You're going to set them off now, Barker. You've only just gone and set them off. Trust me - when they hear about this... THAT'LL be the end of you - and THAT'S a promise.
Wayne: I appreciate your honesty, but I think I'll be able to judge for myself when it's all over.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2015-13-11-92_zpsf8c3d311

Ilyana: Ah, yes. This is the best part. I didn't mention her because, well... she simply just wasn't spotted leaving the plane with them.
Chris: What does that mean?
Tommy: Means Santiago's still here.
Chris: But couldn't she have left any other day? You cannot guarantee that she's here.
Tommy: True, but the fact remains - she didn't leave on that plane. She could've been stopped if you knew where she was hiding...
Chris: Oh no... no, no, no...
Victor: (Exhales) Well - I guess this is it then. This is the team... and the work begins now.


Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-23-10-32_zps50276f8a

So we're back in the game.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-23-58-54_zpsbe5ea7ef

So... we like it? Why should we even bother if we know the outcome shall not be positive? My father always told me to not waste my breath with situations that were impossible to dissolve out of. But I didn't take his advice.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-26-11-34_zpsbd95a1a0

Just like the case with good things, all bad things come to an end too. So we fight a 'frivolous' battle in the meantime? Is that so?

Chris: Shit... what was that!?

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-26-27-84_zps5ae44741

You can revel in the past...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-27-25-39_zps06a23440

... but you can't really dig up what's been buried. Chris Osborne, it can't be easy being you... scared beyond belief.

[Sounds of an owl hooting fills the house]

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-28-57-10_zps1fd1d4ac

Chris: I can't understand how this happens anymore... really...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-29-35-17_zpsd2eed4d1

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-30-30-73_zps22bfc4c9

Chris: I hear your voices, I feel your presence. So let me tell you this... I am NOT scared. Plus, I will NOT back down.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-30-53-31_zps153baa09

Chris: For fuck's sakes...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-02-2719-32-27-17_zpsd93616f0

Chris: It's been set up. Or should I say, you have my little 'fella. Heaven help you that you beautiful creatures are falling into their hands. Whoever they may be, of course. I thought I knew, but you know now? I don't think I do.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-03-14-54_zpsdd2bb0eb

Chris: Right...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-03-20-70_zps3402f9e9

Music in variety thrives.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-03-41-22_zps7fdc5edf

That is... music in us all of course.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-04-09-82_zps7045c5bb

It all so evidently reflects that sombre atmosphere. But what atmosphere, though? Do you feel it? But if you feel the presence of others, in effect, does that result in you failing to feel your own?

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-04-23-12_zps82f70188


Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-04-41-66_zps7aad212d

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-05-54-09_zpsc6c87dc7

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-06-45-93_zpsc49c1176

Chris: You must be joking...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-07-20-17_zps41c15d71

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-07-47-10_zps13fd60f2

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-09-27-32_zpsf4356c74

Pierre: What's up with you now, Osborne? Seeing ghosts again?
Chris: I don't know if you could call them that.
Pierre: Ah, démence. You know, I finally think I've got to the bottom of what's sending you like this. I really do.
Chris: I just don't feel like I belong here.
Pierre: What? You belong in heaven, with Florence?
Chris: Do you know?
Pierre: No, none of us do. Life is full of surprises, but ultimately, the lives of others have more.
Chris: Life is... everything. But you can very rightly say that others are more enticing than oneself.
Pierre: But the difference is Chris... I know myself. Yet I'm not certain that you do.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-10-18-31_zps9783659c

Chris: So...?
Pierre: The drugs I found, Chris?
Chris: Can't you keep your nose out of my business!?
Chris: But it is just business, though! I swear!
Pierre: You're on meds? Pills? I know they're not just painkillers.
Chris: They're not, no... but they don't belong to me.
Pierre: Oh, so you're holding them onto somebody are you!? When they're in your possession, they ain't belonging to anyone else.
Chris: It's complicated, undercover kind of crap.
Pierre: Then it's too dodgy. You're all going to get killed.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-10-29-47_zps20afd5c7

Chris: WHY!?
Pierre: It's drugs!
Chris: If I could tell you or show you how unorthodox this is, then I would.
Pierre: Ah, would! Should! Could! They don't matter to me!
Chris: We're using this as the bait to lure in a customer to the Del Bosques, from what we believe. This is going to get him to talk. Yes Pierre, I'm skeptical about it - but what other choice do I have?
Pierre: A place of your own. I left this line of work behind years ago Chris, if all you're going to do is be here to remind me of it, then the door's wide open for you now you little prick.
Chris: Oh, I'm a little prick now am I? Well let's see what Vic has to say about this then, considering he's the overseer of all this. I'm the guinea pig with Tommy... we're working with the DEB!
Pierre: The DEB? Osborne, I never knew you were homosexual. Get out of my house.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-10-39-48_zpsadf00d6e

Chris: Alright, alright... this is not easy for me. I know it looks bad, I don't like it... neither do you. We're all in the same boat, ok? I wouldn't have got this opportunity without you, you know... to start again like this. It's not fixed me, but it sure as hell is making me head in the right direction.
Pierre: So what are you going to try and say?
Chris: Forgive me.
Pierre: ...
Chris: It's hard, but you've just gotta' hang on and hope that I can pull this one off. Mark my words - the drugs will be out of the way soon.
Pierre: (Grunts) Chris...
Chris: I'm sorry, Pierre. I've got to get going.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-11-36-35_zps923e405f

Pierre: Fine, but if you're caught, good luck finding your way out of it. I'm too old to lend a helping hand. I'd much rather be left alone to die.
Chris: (Sighs)

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-21-51-63_zps05237102

Victor: Alright, I'll let him know. Yeah, sure... on his head be it.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-22-25-86_zps92ff9e94

Victor: In fact, I'll call you back - he's here now so I'll just have a word with him.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-23-13-85_zps30d91508

Chris: Talking about me again? Now there's a surprise...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-23-57-00_zpsf6abe247

Victor: Be grateful Chris, it's attention.
Chris: Oh, it's ATTENTION now is it!? Is that what you think I'm seeking?
Victor: That could be argued considering how big of a deal you're making out of everything.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-25-21-07_zps0c08121d

Chris: Like what?
Victor: The drugs. Keeping hold of them. I mean someone has to... Tommy's landlord apparently had some sort of heroin orgy once and never wants to go back. He can't give him incentives.
Chris: Nice... I guess that means then that Pierre will also have to be reminded of the past too? I almost got kicked out the house this morning...
Victor: Ah, don't worry. He'll get over it.
Chris: Well some EXPLANATION would've gone well. I have to fight tooth and nail to get on that old toughty's good side... you can relate to him better. Hell, you ARE related.
Victor: We'll see.
Chris: Shit, I don't know anymore...
Victor: Neither do I. But we're at a damn loss if you can't get to the bottom of this. Tommy's like a breath of fresh air to this department, you've just got to trust me on that one.
Chris: Am I or am I not obliged to reckon right now that maybe this wasn't the wisest idea after all?
Victor: What's that?
Chris: Making you chief?
Victor: ...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-25-37-50_zpsfe7986e5

Chris: I've not known the guy for seventy-two hours yet and from what I've seen thus far, he's a prick. Now if you're ploughing all your hope into him, then where do you think that leaves me? Nowhere. I'm back in business yet I feel so alienated.
Victor: You're just paranoid, Chris. I understand. It's all been too quick, but I said you didn't have to jump back onto the bandwagon just yet.
Chris: Well, I have, alright? This operation recieves a breakthrough just as I consider getting myself back on the scene, I'm going to seize that opportunity with my bare hands. But right now, the trust from you lot just isn't rubbing off. It's a tricky ordeal, but if I'm going to re-accustom, I need the trust now. Not in the long-term.
Victor: It's surreal. Did you ever imagine it would come to this?
Chris: Ah, well... we're here now.
Victor: Exactly. Let's just be vigilant. We belong in the shadows. We've established that Santiago's in town and that folks are moving lips in the Del Bosque camp... yet they're in the shadows. How to bring them out of the shadows? You can't. You've got to go into them.
Chris: I guess that explains why we've got the INTERFED on board, right? Espionage in a world of weak data?
Victor: They have contacts, Chris.
Chris: Yeah, well... we all have contacts but they seem to betray us.
Victor: You've just got to trust this guy - I was on the phone to him. He's the DEB chap, he'd like to have a word with you sometime soon.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-26-20-81_zpsadfae8bf

Chris: This is the guy that Tommy's working under, right?
Victor: Right. He wants to get to know you. Face to face.
Chris: Now that's not exactly shadow-esque... how very incognito.
Victor: It's a different context, Chris. We enter the shadows together. We can't be talking through telephones or by post. Don't you reckon trust is more rife when you know, yet see one another?
Tommy: Hold your horses, my lads...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-26-34-96_zps853de5f5

Victor: Davies, you've something to say, eh?

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-31-49-65_zps39cf4cab

Tommy: For the good of us all Chris, leave him out of the equation.
Chris: Who?
Tommy: Racine! The DEB chap!
Chris: Why?
Tommy: He's mine!

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-32-36-45_zpse4013096

Chris: Just now, you two aren't making a whole lot of sense. What I said about trust springs to mind...
Tommy: Not true, Chris. Not true. He's best left out of it.
Chris: I'm practically working for this guy, right? Cut me some slack here, this is my fight too. This whole operation wouldn't be going like it is now without him.
Tommy: Oh... so you think it's running smooth right?
Chris: I could be the judge of that if I met him. Know what kind of guy he is. See if I can trust him. Knowing that these drugs are only going to harm those who want to have harm inflicted upon them and that this money is being returned to the government or injected into research!
Tommy: I think I'll be the judge of when or when not you're not elegible to see him Chris, but for now, we need to inflict some harm.
Chris: But according to Vic, he's called asking to meet me.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-32-41-67_zpsac7544a1

Tommy: Fine. What difference does it make?
Chris: So you want to piss him off now do you? Just like you've pissed off me and perhaps even every single head under the FUCKING SUN!?
Tommy: You don't know what you're dealing with.
Chris: Cut me some slack! I've had enough of secrets. Why are you so adamant that me and him shouldn't meet? You don't reckon you're in charge do you? I was here long before you and I'll probably he here long after your Cohnarite arse.
Tommy: Vic, I will not be speaken to like this.
Chris: I don't trust neither of you at this present moment, but considering this is the only lead... you know what? Fuck it, me and Racine will probably have to wait a little longer.
Tommy: Good, because now isn't the appropriate time. That's all... just relax my boyo...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-32-48-44_zpsdc1045e1

Chris: (Sighs)
Tommy: So - the stuff. You got it?
Chris: Unfortunately, yes. I didn't forget. I couldn't forget.
Tommy: I'm a dick, Chris. But frankly, so are you. I think we make a good team.
Chris: Hey, hey... don't you be making conclusions like that. We are NOT a team. WE are, but just me and you? No.
Tommy: Well it's your loss. Let's go see our mate Bouba and see if he talks.
Chris: Let's do it.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-36-01-02_zps599e1e1d

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-36-14-00_zps21abab5b

Tommy: You don't trust me, do you?
Chris: ...
Tommy: I mean, you were being serious... you just don't.
Chris: You gave me a headache, that's for sure. My poor little brain can't cope with it all. Nor can your ego... it's on an overload.
Tommy: Funny fuck. Life experience has taught me that colleagues differ from friends.
Chris: Oh really? Well, life experience has taught me that I should never hang around at murder scenes... I wouldn't be here if it weren't for it.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-36-25-21_zps387e8af9

Tommy: You don't make much sense to me Osborne, but I fucking love you anyway. C'mon, we're heading to Apton Hill Road. Business is waiting.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-56-58-25_zps40ec82ec

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-57-26-95_zpsf7557508

Tommy: Here we go, Chris. Don't do anything out of the blue.
Chris: You do the talking. I'm new to this.
Tommy: The majority, Chris. The majority. Be no stranger. This is your fight just as much as it is mine.
Chris: If not, more.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0113-57-51-63_zps26d49782

Tommy: Yeah, whatever. Oh, hey there! It's a pleasure to meet you!

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-01-49-82_zpseedc7c5b

Bouba: Yeah, wha'gwan ma bredda's? Me be hopin' you doing some business with I, seen?
Tommy: I-I captain! Let me introduce myself - I'm Tommy Davies and this is my accomplice Chris Osborne.
Bouba: A'ight, boys.
Chris: It's a pleasure to meet you too.
Bouba: I, me name be Bouba. Boubacar Fatty. Bouba for short an' ting. Jus' don't laugh at the 'Fatty' ya'know, makes me blood boil.
Tommy: You're a Nochtian, right?
Bouba: I.
Tommy: Great. You're all a pleasure doing trade with. You're just... so full of character. I love it.
Bouba: Not us all, not us all, Tommy. Me be one of a kind ya' know? I come from an 'ikkle island off coast man. It 'nat be mainland shit.
Tommy: I've gathered.
Bouba: Sound, man.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-01-56-51_zps5a9871ec

Chris: It's a nice day, isn't it?
Bouba: Yeah man but no beat me homeland an' ting. This be tha' real shit though in Lystow. It be a land of opportunity for I to expand, ya' know what I sayin'?
Chris: Absolutely.
Tommy: You want to do the deal then?
Bouba: Withou' a dou' me boy. Me see you 'av the merch.
Chris: Pardon?
Bouba: I say the merchandise me bredda.
Chris: Ah, of course. Absolutely.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-02-12-41_zps661fc112

Bouba: The shit good?
Tommy: More than good. Only the finest.
Bouba: It be good like sound, man?
Tommy: Not just like sound, it sounds loud.
Bouba: Me beg a pardon?
Tommy: Never mind. It's good.
Bouba: Ya' know you Denland man have some righteous tricks up ya' sleeve an' ting.
Tommy: I'm not Denevian.
Bouba: Me know bredda, you're the carrot-man.
Tommy: Sorry?
Bouba: No, me be sorry. Me got it wrong, righ'?
Tommy: I'm not reading you.
Bouba: You be from Karetia?
Tommy: No... Cohnar.
Bouba: Me bredda who live in flat floor below be called Connor. He's a saint, man...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-02-20-44_zps797f618e

Tommy: Fuck, never it matter. We have the merchandise, with compliments from the Hansens.
Bouba: Le'me get me 'ikkle notepad out an' write that down, me' wanna remember that. I and I do more business, seen?
Tommy: I guess.
Chris: Don't you want to see the stuff first?
Bouba: Nah-nah, me be a man of confidentiality, me wanna' try and test it at me livin' quarters ya' know? Not be here, shit too open an' ting.
Chris: Right, ok...
Bouba: Tommy, you be boy over tha' 'ikkle telephone-ma-bob, seen?
Tommy: That's right.
Bouba: Me 'ikkle notepad tell me ya' want si' hundra, say I?
Tommy: Erm... I.
Bouba: Me get the greens now then ma' boys.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-06-44-55_zps1575324b

Tommy: Much appreciate it.
Bouba: Don' mention it.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-09-24-53_zps03c9ee96

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-10-52-18_zps80c9e1a1

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-11-10-35_zpsce9426e6

Bouba: Boot need a fuckin' boot, bumbaclot!

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-11-52-50_zps3dc31c4c

Bouba: So we be ready?
Chris: I'd say so.
Tommy: Well Chris, feel free to do the honours.
Chris: Alright then, here you go.
Bouba: Here ya' go too ma boy.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-13-03-09_zps9373d1f6

Tommy: All we can say is... well, enjoy! It was a pleasure to do business with you, Mr Fatty.
Bouba: Nah, I and I be bredda' seen? Me be called Bouba, I and I no need to be so formal, ya' know wha' me sayin'?
Tommy: For sure, Bouba. Sorry.
Bouba: Ya' no need to apologisial me milky white Bouba's. Me be havin' some righteous fun with this shit! He-he, it seem like everybody be makin' it like ma' birthday wit' all them merch.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-13-36-30_zps8420ed8e

Chris: Have fun...
Bouba: Me out. See ya' 'ikkle later.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-14-07-80_zpsccde74d9

Chris: For heaven's sake... what have we got ourselves into?
Tommy: C'mon Chris, get yasel' inta' a 'ikkle bit of tha' Parantinguan mood an' ting?
Chris: That guy is from Parantingua?
Tommy: Sure, it's a little island off the coast of Nochtia!
Chris: I don't know what this city has came to. In fact, I don't think I even know what this world has came to...
Tommy: It's business, Chris. I can't wait to see his face when we shut up shop.
Chris: What? For him? The Hansens? But ultimately, the Del Bosques? There was no mention of the waxwork...
Tommy: Well, beneath all that slur, I think I made out that he's very happy considering how many people seem to be catering for his needs recently.
Chris: What a shameful prick he is.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-24-33-25_zpsb24281c9

Tommy: He's just one of many people who make this city multi-cultural Chris! Killuligan for me was just a haze of me and the elves. But you know, when I was a wee lad, there wasn't anything between us anyway. We always threw rocks into one another's garden and everything. They were racist times, Chris. Thanks heavens we have this kind of cohesion.
Chris: Cohesion!? With drugs? If that's our idea of cohesion then no wonder this city's going to the dogs...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-24-41-55_zpsa9164e51

Tommy: You're such a little chicken-shit sometimes, Chris. There's vigilance, then there's outright isolation. Bring yourself out, boyo.
Chris: Oh, I can't come out! I'm in the 'shadows'!
Tommy: Come on, knock this off.
Chris: If I come out, then I have to see your DEB mate. I'm sure you won't like that.
Tommy: Hey... fuck you. No, I won't like it. So let's keep you in the shadows. But anymore craziness Chris and you'll be beneath those shadows, buried six feet under.
Chris: (Sighs)
Tommy: In fact, let me get something straight... right? You don't understand how much I look after you do you?

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-24-55-36_zpseb0678ee

Chris: Oh-oh! YOU look after ME!? Since when!? It's been a few days Tommy, and I know you much more than you know me. I know what you are.
Tommy: Wrong again, friend. I learnt so much about you and your past while you were whimpering over your dead wife...
Tommy: Pitiless? I've just said it, haven't I? I know what is good for you. Don't you get that? I know you so well. Better than you could ever imagine. So I think I know what you need. Hence, I look after you boy. You're mine now.
Chris: I'm not reducing myself to this. I'm done. I'll take the money.
Tommy: WHAT!?
Chris: I said, I'll take the money.
Tommy: You of all people Chris? In it for the money? Well, well, well... after Marion's offers and your undoubtedly poor undercover skills, NOW you actually want to play the game? I'm taking this straight to the DEB.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-03-0114-26-16-30_zps52532e3b

Chris: I'm done.
Tommy: But you're not done though, are you Chris? You know I'm your last shot. The prize is slowly slipping from your grasp, but she's out there Chris. What you think about Victor and I is wrong. We can't enter the shadows. We bring them fuckers out of it.
Chris: (Whispers to self) Prick.

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Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-04-1414-37-29-83_zps1bec9d28

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-04-1414-38-02-34_zps590c9266

Chris: Another detective drowning his sorrows with the pleasure of a mighty good cig...
Vincent: You could say that.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-04-1414-39-02-17_zps2b630c46

Chris: I don't think we've met properly, have we?
Vincent: No. Well, I'm Vince.
Chris: Yeah, I know that. But I can help. You hang with Rod and Felix, right?
Vincent: Well I'm your classic young detective. Ruthless? I can't tell. I don't mean to blame you, but since you came back, everything seems like it's gone tits up.
Chris: How do you mean?
Vincent: I've only been here a few months, yet... I think in that time they were fearing the day you'd return. No one would know how to react. I'm afraid to say it, but you've brought out the worst in Tommy. Hell, he was even remotely considerate to us all before, praising us for our efforts and offering his experience as a support aid, but now? I think he's sucking up to Victor just like Isaac did to Ian. Isaac I suppose has, well... somehow learnt some kind of lesson. But now, Tommy just won't take no for an answer.
Chris: I completely understand how you feel.
Vincent: Join the club. I mean, it's only taken you a couple of days to realise.
Chris: Tell me Vincent, do you trust Vic?
Vincent: Trust? Maybe I don't trust his decisions, but I trust him a damn sight more than Ian.
Chris: You were around in 1967?
Vincent: Yeah. I was in the Sowma crew though, traffic patrol. A bloke runs his Dover Andromeda off into the canal with his wife and daughter in the car. They drowned, he lived. Unfortunately, or fortunately for me, no one was wise enough to realise that the shards of glass in the footwell were part of a whiskey bottle. Eyewitnesses pinned the blame on the Escudo in the oncoming traffic, but it was a blind corner, wasn't it? Sounds ridiculous, I know - but that's traffic patrol desk for you.
Chris: Now you're here...

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Vincent: ... And loving every minute of it...!
Chris: No need for the sarcasm, where's the respect?
Vincent: I have the most respect for you all. Things just piss me off. I've got a wife that's probably been cheating on me, and a kid in the middle of it all.
Chris: Wow! You're married and have a kid already?
Vincent: It's 1968, Chris. It's the wise thing to do. We're reluctant in this day in age about keeping work, you know that.
Chris: But you're certainly on you're way out of work if you're on paternal leave, especially when this department needs you the most.
Vincent: The kid's not a baby, Chris. I'm here full-time. So who's been fucking you around then?
Chris: Surprise, surprise! It's Tommy.

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Vincent: Fucking Davies... how long will it be before that prick gets himself or any of us killed?

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Chris: That's what I keep asking myself, but he may be my best hope. I need to get to the Del Bosques. They'll get me to Luisa Santiago for sure.
Vincent: Former member of the Del Bosques was Santiago, you know?
Chris: You think I don't know that already?
Vincent: Well, I think she's well isolated from them. It's one syndicate though. Not two, but one.
Chris: Ah, you probably don't admire me for doing this.
Vincent: Admire you for what? Getting out of Tommy what you can? I think that's great. He's a prick but, he may be you're only hope. I admire your past though Chris, I can't imagine what it'd be like to lose your wife from the woman that you was after all along anyway. It's just like rubbing salt into the wound.
Chris: Yeah, well Tommy seems to think that Florence never mattered.
Vincent: She matters. This is why you're doing this, isn't it? For her sake. It was your own, but now it's for her?
Chris: For sure.
Vincent: Then go out and get justice for her. Don't hesistate.
Chris: You're just like them...
Vincent: What?
Chris: (Sighs) Telling me what I should do... I can't take it anymore. Everyone's treating me so differently and I don't know who to follow.

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Vincent: Hey amigo, I'm not suggesting that you follow me. If anything, I'm trying to follow you. But if you're gonna' throw this back in my face, then to hell with you.
Chris: No, I don't mean it like that. It's a rant against my life, not you specifically.
Vincent: Alright then, tough guy. If you're so eager to win then go and meet those agents. I think they have something for you. They'll be down at Tom's Restaurant on Wallace Road tomorrow morning at 10am.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-06-0614-20-47-39_zps4ce9d65c

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-06-0614-22-50-89_zps8f0d1434

TOM's restaurant. Constant reminders everywhere. Tommy Davies. The be all and the end all for the operation to Chris.

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Yet then there's the agents, trying to aid the campaign against Luisa Santiago. But as for Tommy's motives? Not a soul can get inside that chap's head and work it out...

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-06-0614-25-14-34_zps9eec8a33

Ilyana: Ah, Chris. Good morning. Who got the message to you that we'd be here?
Chris: Vincent Hopkins.
Rory: Good, a breath of fresh air for the CID is him. A good man. Use him to your advantage.

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Chris: Yeah, well I seem to be 'convinced' by people about a lot of other people... for me, there's only one direction this is going in.

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Ilyana: I'm not ordering you here, Chris. But hear my opinion - you're being too hard on yourself. Don't let them get to you. Despite it is still a police matter, this is still your fight. Don't let anyone stand between you and those honours.

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Chris: But what are those honours?

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Rory: It's the Blackjacks.
Chris: Oh, well how could I forget?
Ilyana: You can't. You'll probably never forget her after what she did to Florence, and how she affected your life.
Rory: But you can put her behind you when she's dealt with.
Chris: So how are we going to deal with her? Any news on Ivan?
Rory: That's what we brought you here for. Ivan's being extradited to Denland. We need answers, but more importantly, you do too. You're an officer of the law, a detective for this country. You're keeping your people safe, you should be proud of that. When the life of a pioneer like yourself if affected by these devastating events, you need work. You need reform.
Ilyana: You need revenge.

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Chris: Is this all you came to tell me?

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Rory: As stupid as it may sound, yes. But perhaps your ass isn't better suited to somewhere else just yet.
Ilyana: We can help with your other problems, Chris. That's if you believe you have any. Plus, to put it bluntly, I'd be very surprised if you don't have other issues.

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Chris: I've got to know I can trust you guys. In fact, I've got to know I can at least trust someone.
Ilyana: So so so, the question on your lips regards trust.
Chris: Exactly.
Rory: The INTERFED intervention you see here is a special request from the government, and if we don't do our jobs correctly, we lose them, and the INTERFED takes yet another blow of skepticism.
Chris: Maybe I don't trust the government in power right now. Especially as they never realised that Ian McPherson, the chap running CID operaitons in this country was a Blackjack associate after all.
Rory: You don't trust no one and you'll never trust no one, Chris.
Chris: Alright, you know my new partner? Tommy Davies?
Ilyana: Without a doubt, Chris. We know you all. Davies is just your average, ostentatious, nasty piece of work, right?
Chris: Except he's not average. He's toying with mind and he wants something that I can't work out.
Ilyana: Go on.
Chris: The thing is, with you two, you seem to clearly outline your aims, to assist myself and the rest of the police force to disband the Blackjack empire and leave Santiago all for myself.
Ilyana: Exactly.
Chris: In these few days I've been working alongside Tommy, I've been dragged into business I never wanted to be dragged into. Yesterday, I was telling myself that maybe he was my only hope. Maybe he's getting me closer to the Del Bosques because there's Gay Ray involvement, but it's opened new doors that I fear I can't close without your help.
Rory: And they are?
Chris: Frida and Penelope Hansen - considered two of the most ruthless and successful producers of drugs in Denland. Tommy believes that we can manipulate them. He was clearly no stranger to Frida, the two seemed cosy together. Worrying, I know. Tommy claims he's on some sort of side mission from the DEB, but he has support from Vic.
Rory: Vic, seriously?

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Chris: He's said it himself. The DEB fund the operation, Tommy visits the Hansens, purchases some drugs and sells them. The breakthrough is that a waxwork stuffed with methamphetamine found its way to be placed in the back garden of the house of a drug abuser who goes by the name of Boubacar Fatty.
Rory: A waxwork? Stuffed?
Chris: I don't know. I never saw it properly. All I know is that the thing felt and looked like a waxwork but Tommy took a knife, stabbed the thing and out comes some crystal-like substance.
Ilyana: To me, this sounds like very top-drawer work. Only something that a professional could do. Is this the work of Frida Hansen?
Chris: No. Not at all. Outside the house was that notorious grey Laguardia Lizana used by all the Del Bosque goons. I'll take Tommy's word for it to believe that Gay Ray fled the scene before he could get his hands on him.
Rory: They're getting friendly with your friend Mr Fatty then, any reason why?
Chris: Not a clue. Now what's bothering me is that Tommy won't allow me to see the chief of DEB operations. I have no clue what's going on.
Ilyana: We much appreciate this information, Chris. Whatever the outcome of this is, Tommy's going to look either very pathetic, or very intuitive.
Chris: We'll see.
Ilyana: Stay in touch.
Chris: Sure.

Episode 2 (Part 1): BOU 888Y Sims2ep92014-06-0614-34-12-34_zps7d30ee3e

I don't know how to read it. I don't know how to read a lot of guys right now. Tommy's not the only one...

Posts : 76
Join date : 2015-07-11

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